Water Ordinance 2023-2
This Ordinance was passed by role call vote in a Public Hearing dated March 15, 2023.
BCC and Sewer and Water Public Hearing Agenda – April 19, 2022 at 7pm
The City of Bloomington Fees Schedule
The schedule below reflects fees for the City of Bloomington. This schedule was passed by resolution on March 15, 2023, at a regularly scheduled City Council Meeting.
Water and Sewer Monthly Utilities Fees
Water and Sewer Utilities rev20
City of Bloomington 2015 CCR (Consumer Confidence Report)
Residents of Bloomington, Idaho, linked you will find the CCR for the calendar year 2015. This report is for the purpose of information to each resident about the quality of the water for the City of Bloomington. We are very lucky, in our little City,…
City of Bloomington 2013 CCR Report (Consumer Confidence Report)
Residents of Bloomington, Idaho, Linked you will find the CCR Report for the calendar year 2013. This report is for the purpose of information to each resident about the quality of the water for the City of Bloomington. We are very lucky, in our little…
Water Meter Cut Sheets For Bloomington City
Click on the images to view full size.