MINUTES August 21, 2019

45 North 3rd West. Bloomington, ID 83223


Called to order at 7:14 p.m. by Mayor Ted McGhee

Attendees: Mayor Ted McGhee, Marilyn Wilkes, Joe Dunford, Shawn Turner, Dan Porter, Rich Kearl

Community Attendees: Ephraim Hoge

 Invocation: Dan Porter

Review/Approval of Minutes from July 17, 2019

         Shawn Turner, Dan Porter, Vote Unanimous

Community Comments:

  • Ephraim Hoge: Right of Way for water station off highway. Sunrise Engineering built a road to the water station.  Ephraim wanted permission to use this road as an additional entrance/exit to his property.  State Road department said he did not have permission to use it.  He had to block it off from his property.  They told him not to tear out the road/driveway.  Grayden Wright over the roads said the City of Bloomington would need to get some type of permit for dual use of the south driveway (on his property) if we have a need to access that driveway/road; 0r access to water on property.  (His property is registered as a subdivision.)  He also told Ephraim the City needs to apply for a permit to use the existing driveway into the water station.  Shawn Turner will follow up on this issue.

Mayor Business:

  • Status on padlock to spring (ACTION ITEM)
    • Approval was received from the Findlays. Shawn Turner will take care of getting a padlock for the City of Bloomington and place it on site.
  • Status on renaming spring to Gene Findlay Spring, signage and requirements (ACTION ITEM)
    • It was agreed to rename the spring. It was decided a sign would be put up by the spring on the fence.  Rich Kearl will take care of this.


  • Status on outstanding items on Wastewater project: (ACTION ITEM)
    • Nada Jean Thomas leak – additional cameraing (if not on last video). Mayor Ted McGhee will call Clyde Rainey on getting us the “as builts”, cameraing, etc.
    • Gravel in front of Tom Smith’s home –this has been done to our satisfaction.
    • Date for seeding – Fall is the timing. Mayor Ted McGhee will ask Clyde Rainey for a date for seeding to be completed.
  • Status on paying the Sunrise invoice from last month (ACTION ITEM).
    • We feel that we should be able to wait until the project is complete. Marilyn will call Lana Duke to see what RD feels would be appropriate.


  • Shawn Turner has spoken with Miles Nash regarding repairs throughout the City. He is still waiting to hear back from Mr. Nash.  The following two items would be covered/included under this agreement.
    • Any update on the repair on the property across from Tueller property? (ACTION ITEM)
    • Don Robb broken meter box. Did anyone contact him with suggestion to put in a shut-off valve on his part of the line? (ACTION ITEM)


  • Status of cement surrounding meter covers on corner by Hall. (ACTION ITEM)
    • Shawn Turner is hoping to get supplies this weekend.
  • Two cuts across the road (by Thomas’ and Hart’s new building).
    • We need to revisit the possibility of requiring contractors to drill under the road. Shawn Turner will follow up on the road repairs with Martin Bills (sub-contractor who did both jobs).
  • Status of new snow plow. (ACTION ITEM)
    • Joe Dunford tried to get ahold of them this week. The process has changed.  He will continue to follow up on this item.

City Hall/Offices:

  • Status on finding a contractor to remodel City Office, including ADA bathroom and combining the front room and front bedroom into one meeting room. (ACTION ITEM)
    • Dan Porter will call Doug Taylor and Colton Ward to get a bid on this item.

Follow up items:

  • Status of getting water to Troy Carlin property, including whether the City will share in cost to run the line to 2nd North and the cost-share to future landowners to hook onto line. (ACTION ITEM)
    • Bids are being collected.
  • Election: two positions to be voted on. This was discussed.  Both Rich Kearl and Shawn Turner took applications.

Delinquent Accounts:

  • Accounts are looking good. We have a few that are getting behind, but they have been contacted.

Payment of Expenses:

            Shawn Turner and Rich Kearl recuse themselves from payments relating to themselves.

  • August 2019

Shawn Turner, Dan Porter, Vote Unanimous

Motion to dismiss:

Joe Dunford, Rich Kearl, Vote Unanimous

Dismissed at 8:40 p.m.

Next City Council Meeting: September 18, 2019 at 7:00 p.m.