Meeting Minutes September 18, 2019
September 18, 2019 at 7:00 PM
45 N 1st West
Called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Ted McGhee
Attendees: Mayor Ted McGhee, Marilyn Wilkes, Joe Dunford, Shawn Turner, Dan Porter, Rich Kearl
Community Attendees: Roy Bunderson
Invocation: Rich Kearl
Review/Approval of Minutes:
- August 21, 2019
Dan Porter, Joe Dunford, Vote Unanimous
- September 11, 2019 (Special Meeting)
Dan Porter, Joe Dunford, Vote Unanimous
Community comments:
- Lisa Duskin-Goede, Bear River Heritage Area: Present information on BRHA. Requested letter or resolution of support. She left documentation for the Council to review.
- Roy Bunderson suggests being careful with working with them. He is opposed to signing on with a government agency and funding this type of agency.
Bortek/Direct Communications:
- Provide information regarding digging/running fiber optic cables throughout town to any location where there is currently Direct Communication services. Met with Shawn Turner and gave him copies of their prints that they have relating to Bloomington. He has been very helpful to them.
- Dan Porter asked about restoration work. That will come in due time. They plan to rehab as much as possible. Joe Dunford was also concerned with the damage to the oil road (50 East).
- Timeframe: They plan to have a couple of customers up and running by the end of the year. The project will probably not be complete until mid-year next year. The main construction should be completed in five or so weeks. They are still waiting on some supplies. We are concerned with damage done to the oil roads and would like to have them repaired before winter so there isn’t more damage done.
- If someone in town is unhappy with work done on their property, or there is a water/sprinkler leak that is reported in a timely manner (within a year), they will make repairs. Residents need to call the Direct Communications office if they have an issue.
- Direct Communications plans to contact all current customers for placement of new boxes. All the green posts will be removed. During the construction phase, anyone not with current service can be added at no charge if they notify Direct Communications. There will be a charge after construction is complete.
- The City needs to do an Encroachment Ordinance regarding digging anywhere in the City, for organizations and residents.
Sunrise Engineering: Clyde Rainey
- Clyde Rainey came to discuss Wastewater project, turn over all documents, etc.
- We received a project binder on the Wastewater project. There are also discs and drives that have the videos of the lines—both prior to and after the project. They have the binder in PDF form if we need another copy. (There are not copies of the discs or thumb drives). The repairs appear to have taken care of the seepage issues.
- Sunrise has received all signatures on the finalization of the Wastewater Project and will submit to USDA (RD).
- Roy Bunderson requested we check the smoothing and reseeding of Verdena Bunderson’s yard. Work completed is not satisfactory.
- Sunrise Engineering has submitted to IDEQ on the waterline on 50 East between 200 North and 300 North. We need the approval from IDEQ before we can get any bids on the work.
- Roy Bunderson applauds Mayor Ted McGhee and the Council on getting the wastewater system repair completed.
- GIS system for mapping underground water/sewer lines and cost, presented by Sunrise Engineering. Sunrise markets and hosts a program and provided information regarding said program.
- They can take mapping and tie it to features on the map. When you click on something that has been mapped, you will see information on the specific item. Because it is a GIS system, if you log on to it from any device with internet it is all current. It can be changed by an authorized person at the time changes are made.
- We need to consider some type of GIS or mapping program.
- Shawn Turner mentioned there is a convention in Coeur d’ Alene that is about GIS programs. Shawn Turner will call IRWA to see if they have any programs/equipment.
- Roy Bunderson appreciates looking into various GIS programs. He volunteers his time to assist in locating valves to help map.
Mayor Business:
- Become member of the 811 dig line? Joe Dunford said Doug Taylor said Cities were required to join. However, Mayor Ted McGhee said because of our City size and number of connections we are not required. Something to consider and follow-up.
- Mayor would like to propose that the Tim and Beth Ann Passey’s pay is increased to $16.00 an hour, like Wayne Thomas and Spencer Clements. Mayor Ted McGhee would like to propose a $500.00 bonus for the removal of trees that were damaged during the windstorm.
Motion that we increase the wages and give Tim Passey a $500.00 bonus
Dan Porter, Rich Kearl, Vote Unanimous
- Rick Thomas will cut and remove stumps. Mayor Ted McGhee proposed for stumps near any lines be ground, not removed, to protect underground pipes/lines.
- Status of seeding of areas dug up for Wastewater project
- Shawn Turner will follow up on the seeding
- Nada Jean Thomas water in meter box
- This is ground Not a safety concern. This is an area with high ground water. Nothing more to be done at this time.
- Payment to Sunrise Engineering has been submitted to Lana Duke at RD
- Ephraim Hoge property access follow-up. Permit for use (dual use) of south driveway to access water station for Bloomington-Paris waterline.
- Rich Kearl said per the State, Bloomington can have access to the water station. Also, this would open up the area for others to access if we permit for dual use.
- Culinary water being used to water farmland/pasture land
- As long as we have excess water flowing, this is not an issue. We will keep an eye on this to make sure there is not a problem. If it becomes a problem, we will take action at that time.
- Status of lock at Findlay Spring gate. Shawn Turner has a key to the lock on the gate.
- Status of Findlay Spring sign on fence. Sign has been designed. Order to create has been given. 12×18 metal sign. Nice design.
- Status on running waterline on 50 East. Miles Nash is interested in doing this job.
- Miles Nash:
- Update on the repair on the property across from Tueller property? (ACTION ITEM) Will work on this within the next two weeks.
- Don Robb broken meter box. Did anyone contact him with suggestion to put in a shut-off valve on his part of the line? (ACTION ITEM) Miles will look at putting something like a shark bite in the line so water can be shut off.
- Status of cement surrounding meter covers on corner by Hall. (ACTION ITEM) Shawn Turner will check with Miles Nash about fixing and cementing meters.
- Status on two cuts across the road (by Thomas’ and Hart’s new building). Shawn Turner talked to Martin Bills about this (sub-contractor that did both projects). It is on his list to fix both these locations. For future development permits, we will start collecting a performance bond any time there may be a cut across the road, which will be refundable once the road has been repaired to our satisfaction.
- Status of new snow plow. (ACTION ITEM) Joe Dunford got ahold of Deloy Romrell. He said he would look into this for us. Joe Dunford will continue with this.
- Shawn Turner asked Joe Dunford to look at the corner of 50 East and 1st South where Bortek cut the street.
City Hall/Offices:
- Status on finding a contractor to remodel City Office, including ADA bathroom and combining the front room and front bedroom into one meeting room. (ACTION ITEM)
- Colton Ward is agreeable to doing the work on the building. Dan Porter asked him to get with Shawn Turner.
- Tim Passey is also interested in working on this job if Colton Ward doesn’t do the job. Possibly he could do parts of it like drywall and painting. We will wait to see if Colton will do this.
Follow up items:
- No additional items at this time.
Delinquent Accounts:
- In good condition
Payment of Expenses:
- August 2019
Joe Dunford, Dan Porter, Vote Unanimous
Motion to dismiss:
Shawn Turner, Rich Kearl, Vote Unanimous
Dismissed at 9:26 pm
Next City Council Meeting: October 16, 2019 at 7:00 p.m.