45 N 1st West

April 17, 2021 Time 7:00 pm



Invocation: Philip Ward

Review of minutes from April 21, 2021:

Motion to accept: Dan Porter, Bob Searle, Vote Unanimous

Attendees: Ted McGhee, Mike Knapp, Dan Porter, Bob Searle, Phillip Ward, Marilyn Wilkes, Christine Cooper

Community Attendees:

Community Comments:

  • Pat Argyle- discuss four 2 ½ acre parcels on Madsen Lane (location and diagram of split). Pat Argyle was not able to attend.

Rich Smart (property owner) asked about running sewer to the properties (located on the south east side of the corner of 50 East and Madsen Lane). Rich also asked if they could put in septic tanks instead of sewer lines.

 Mayor responded to go ahead and put in septic tanks, as long as it is more than 100 ft from existing sewer line.

  • Dallas Smith- Water hook up for the Workshop 270 N 50 East (called and asked to be moved to next month).
    • Excavator
  • Trevin Peterson – Senior project on fire pit at the Hall (5 minutes) (called and asked to be moved to next month)
  • Roy Bunderson – Vision & Process (Emergency Management Plan) – Roy recommends that the City should develop an Emergency Management Plan for (Roy is happy to help with this):
  1. Bloomington-Paris water line (procedures) The Mayor has spoken with Paris and they are working on the plans to connect the systems. The Mayor will follow up with Philip and Mike about this.
  2. Roy recommends that we get GPS for all the sewer and water valves/manhole covers that we have. Create an operating plan for water and sewer systems? He will also help to get cement bands around all the valves/manhole covers.
  3. Generator for the sewer lift station- generator and propane tank are installed (It needs a switch).
  4. Sewer Pond (valve)- (Mayor discussed with Shawn and it is up and working.)
  5. Bob Searle is working on emergency power for Hall and Office.

 Roy has templates to use to create plans. He will provide them to Christine or Marilyn.

  • Roy Bunderson asked about Dark Sky. Bob Searle has been following up with Rocky Mountain Power relating to LED lights for street lights. Rocky Mountain Power started this program in Utah. If we wanted to do it ourselves, it would cost $500-$600 per light. We have 22 street lights so the cost is prohibitive.
  • Roy asked about the “Go green” comment in the January minutes.  Per notes from the January City Council meeting, Shawn Turner mentioned the Go Green program.


  • Spencer Clements (Starting date): He will start the week before Memorial Day. He will put more detail on his timecard.  (Roy Bunderson said a lot of small towns in southern Utah have the electronic signs that help with speed limits signs.  Does Idaho have a signage grant that would help with that). Dan is currently looking into a signage grant.
  • Discuss election (City Council Members) Announced that all positions will be up for election this year in November. Petitions for Candidacy are due to Christine by September 29, 2021. Open positions include Mayor (4 years), Two Councilors (4 years) and two Councilors (2 years). See Christine for petition.
  • Mayor discussed raising taxes. He stated this has not been raised for 40 years. And we are within the 5 lowest taxed districts in the state. This could help fund for infrastructure and roads.


  • Follow up on the water committee-

Roy Bunderson asked for someone who signed up to be appointed as the lead and then give them direction of what information we would like them to provide.  Christine provided the list of those who signed up to be on the water committee to the Mayor and Councilors.

  • Roy will let us know when the next adjudication meeting is and feels it is important to have a City member attend.
  • It is important that we get information how much water is used. We need to get the meter at the water tanks repaired or replaced with a new type of meter that has a band.
  • Mayor mentioned whether we will have enough water to service many new homes. He brought up the 2015 study by Sunrise Engineering about putting in the larger water line (10-12 inches) down Canyon Road.


  • No comments this month

City Clerk:

  • We only received one bid for the shelving unit.

Motion to accept: Dan Porter, Bob Searle Vote Unanimous


  • Property owner survey results were handed out. Additional information still needs completed on comment sections.


  • Dan mentioned Doran will get snowplow spreader fixed.
  • Robert Allred-asked if 1st North between Main and 50E can be paved. It would cost approximately $30,000.00. Dan Porter explained we do not have enough City funds. We received a flyer advertisement about road coating that Dan will look into.
  • Dan Porter said our application for Transportation Plans was not approved. We would need to resubmit another one this Fall.  We are trying to repair the oldest roads to maintain them so we don’t lose them.
  • Mayor mentioned that we are looking into a specific tax levy to help with Roads.

City Offices/Hall:

  • Backup Generator for City Hall: Bob Searle has been in contact with the regional rep from RMP on a program for a grant to get funds to install back-up generators for the hall and office. The hall would be $6,800.00. This would include hook-up/installation.  It would run everything in the building (heat, lights, kitchen appliances, water heater). The generator may need a roof and fencing around it to protect it. This would turn the Hall into an emergency center for the City.  Roy Bunderson said if this grant doesn’t come through, we may be able to get a generator from the State’s surplus properties.  Not sure what the generator for the City Office would cost.  Bob Searle is asking for permission to pursue getting the grant.  He was told that would be fine to pursue this option.
  • Bob Searle will check into pricing purchasing propane tanks for Hall and Office (for new and used) so we can get better rates on propane.
  • Memorial Ceremony (Flag raising and breakfast): Traditionally flag raising at cemetery and breakfast at Hall in the traditional way.

Outdoor flag raising: Motion to accept: Mike Knapp, Dan Porter Vote Unanimous

Breakfast, offer to eat inside or outside, set up tables in both locations:

Motion to accept: Mike Knapp, Philip Ward Vote Unanimous

Follow up:

Roy requested letters be sent to Diane Martin, Findlay family, and Richard Nelsen regarding the moving of fences at 1st West toward the South. The fences are encroaching on City property, as was mentioned in September/October 2020 City Council meetings.  The engineers need access for core samples of the soil on the platted road.  Before anything can proceed on the road, the City needs to get written permission through IDWR and Army Corp of Engineers.  Christine will investigate what needs to be done and get verbiage.  Roy Bunderson asked if we could notify him of the date the fences will be moved. The potential/proposed road would only be taken to Roy Bunderson’s property line.  Richard Nelson questioned why the road would need to be 99 feet wide. The City wants to keep uniformity in road sizes.

AA Hudson (surveying) is going to plot where we have all the different markers/hubs.  Also need to put in markers/hubs by Johnsons and Stockers for Canyon Road.  Need to put in good enough hubs so it can be shot from them in the future.

Delinquent accounts: E-mails, texts have been sent out to anyone with more than two months owing.

Payment of expenses:  February 2021

Motion to accept: Dan Porter, Bob Searle Vote Unanimous

Payment of expenses: March 2021

Motion to accept: Bob Searle, Philip Ward Vote Unanimous

Motion to dismiss: 9:39 pm

Motion to accept: Philip Ward, Bob Searle Vote Unanimous

Next City Council Meeting: May 19, 2021