
September 20th, 2018



Called to order at 7:28 pm by Mayor McGhee

Attendees: Ted McGhee, Marilyn Wilkes , Dan Porter, Rich Kearl , Lisa Eborn, Joe Dunford, Shawn Turner

Community Attendees: Roy Bunderson, Shannon Bunderson, Darlene Payne, Elaine Porter, Heather Stoker, Charles Hulme , Connie Hulme , Jeff Johnson, Janet Johnson,

Invocation Dan Porter

Review of Minutes from August 9th, 2018

            Rich Kearl, Dan Porter, vote unanimous

Community comments: Elaine Porter has concerns about the excessive speeding that goes on Canyon Road, all neighbors agree. Janet Johnson said she purchased signs for her driveway, Janet proposes to have bigger signs and have heavier law enforcements.  Shawn explained what we have tried and that we have talked about this same subject for the last few months, Connie asked about stop signs on all four corners, Janet talked about advertising with salt lake in paper about loving them coming to visit but need to respect the speed limits around here, Johnny Martinez would be an option maybe to hire someone full time. Roy asked about a video camera to take pictures of plates.  We need a dedicated police officer. Adequate signage is the first step of trying to solve this problem. Joe will get the big signs up and the flashing lights put on them, Roy Suggested about getting forest service involved and maybe have a meeting with them and law enforcement and invite the community to the meeting. Janet talked about putting an ad out there to hire an officer. The community also talked about the garbage the forest service needs to put garbage cans up the canyon so our garbage at the Hall doesn’t get overflowed by people going up to the Lake.

Sunrise Engineering – not here- we can no take them off the agenda

Mayor Business- Surplus State Property- City now owns the property we have the deed!! Can be utilized for public now


>Up by Winston Hart’s they don’t think the line will be big enough for the new houses going up soon, Shawn mentioned a split in fees with home owners to upgrade the size of the pipe

>He also has an issue with the sewer and water being on the same side of the road, he is worried about contamination

>talked about getting Martin Bills to give a bid to see how much it would cost while they are in town

>We also talked about still waiting to hear from Troy Carlin to say whether he is wanting water hooked up or not

> Mayor referred to Ordinance 1983-3 first page, we talked about having this amended and this will be discussed next meeting


>We discussed Ordinance 1983-3 and what the regulations are for water

>Roy talked about there being six open hydrants for cattle in Bloomington, and that is more than 25 houses using water plus it going into our sewer system, that’s about 15 gallons per day for one cow

>we discussed that there has been floats and plugs bought and that maybe in the ordinance there needs to be a penalty for abusing this

>We talked about Nada Jean Thomas needing a cap fixed before winter it was broken by the sewer project

Roads- Rick said he needs moisture before he graded the road, Rick is waiting for the timing to get it done it shouldn’t be too long. The council talked about needing to look for a new plow system

City Hall/Offices – Tim has volunteered to get us through the end of the year and will be paid for it

>We talked about reassigning the scheduling for the hall – everyone wants Lisa to do it.

>We talked about putting sod where old structure was taken off

>Talked about blocking off one of the doors going out back when Shawn remodels the bathroom

>The blue spruce needs to be move out of the hall

Follow up items:

>Passing of Development Permit/Resolution 2018-1

>Discussion of ordinance 2018-3

>Discussion about ordinance 1983-3 being tied together with new ordinance

Resolution: 2018-1 this subject will be continued to next meeting for further discussion

Delinquent Accounts – Marilyn said Russell Chase paid so he is now caught up. She couldn’t get hold of Victor Reese

Payment of Expenses- Motion to accept and pay the expenses as presented

            Dan Porter, Shawn Turner, Vote Unanimous

Motion to dismiss- Joe Dunford, Dan Porter, Vote Unanimous

Dismissed at 10:08 PM

Next City Council Meeting –October 18th, 2018 at 7:00 pm