October 2018 Minutes
October 18th, 2018
Called to order at 8:50 pm by Mayor McGhee
Attendees: Ted McGhee, Marilyn Wilkes, Lisa Eborn, Dan Porter, Shawn Turner and Rich Kearl
Community Attendees: Eddie Payne, Eric Bunderson, Roy Bunderson, Shannon Bunderson, Rich Smart, Mike Knapp, Connie Hulme
Invocation – Rich Kearl
Review of Minutes from September 20th, 2018
Shawn turner, Dan Porter, vote unanimous
Community comments:
- Roy Bunderson has been meeting with Marilyn to help her with the USDA on the water project that was split with Paris, they have found that there is an additional cost that needs to be billed to Paris, Roy will get the invoices from Clyde Rainey to get the summary letter prepared to bill Paris it might be an additional $17,000, that will make it so Paris will owe a total of approximately $64,000 to us.
Mayor Business-
- Nick Hart brought in the application for extension request for his building permit, he also come in to discuss having a special meeting for a Variance, he was given all the information on what he has to do on his part before we hold the meeting he agreed to it all and we will have a meeting next month
- Resolution 2018-1 was discussed and the title of it was changed to Application instead of permit, it has been posted in the paper for the amount of time it needs to be. Shawn Turner made a motion to accept and pass the Resolution 2018-1, Dan Porter seconds the motion, followed by Rich Kearl
- Ordinance 2018-3 was discussed and Rich Kearl made a motion to accept and pass the Ordinance 2018-3, Shawn Turner seconds the motion followed by Dan Porter
- Ordinance 2018-4 was discussed and passed. Shawn Turner made a motion to accept and pass Ordinance 2018-4, Rich Kearl seconds the motion followed by Dan Porter
Sewer– Shawn asked if there was any more questions about the line by Winston’s, Winston was asking about it and worried. Shawn talked to a plumber and he said there should not be any problem hooking more onto that line.
Water– section from hydrant to hydrant, city doesn’t need to peruse that, no reason for us to worry about it, at this point it is up to troy to say that’s what he wants, we discussed that Clyde bears some responsibility for the problem at Nada Jean Thomas’s house, and it will be looked into and fixed. They will not get payment until it is fixed.
Roads- There has been a discussion with the law enforcement on being able to also write tickets on forest service land and increasing their presence in the area, the forest service has the ability to write speeding tickets and they will increase the amount of patrols as best they can. They will keep the issue of the trash dumpsters at the forefront as they will plan for managing Bloomington Canyon in the future.
City Hall/Offices – Nothing at this time
Follow up items:
Delinquent Accounts – Victor Reese has been attempted to be contacted several times and will have his water shut off after the renters leave on the 29th, other than that they look good at this time
Payment of Expenses- Motion to accept and pay the expenses as presented
Rich Kearl, Dan Porter, Vote Unanimous
Motion to dismiss- Dan Porter, Rich Kearl, vote unanimous
Dismissed at 11:20 PM
Next City Council Meeting –November 8th, 2018 at 7:00 pm
- 2023 CCR_Bloomington Water Quality Report
- BCC and BADC Proposed Work Meeting Agenda – September 4, 2024
- Resolution No. 01-2024 to Building Lot and Standards Ordinance Effective June 18, 2024
- Building Lot and Standards Ordinance Effective June 18, 2024
- BCC and BADC Work Meeting Minutes – July 31, 2024