November 2018 Minutes
November 15th, 2018
Called to order at 7:01 pm by Mayor McGhee
Attendees: Ted McGhee, Shawn Turner, Dan Porter, Rich Kearl, Lisa Eborn
Community Attendees: Eric Bunderson, Nick Hart, Richard Nelson, Philip Ward
Invocation – Dan Porter
Review of Minutes from October 18th, 2018
Shawn Turner, Dan Porter, vote unanimous
Community comments: Richard Nelson come to tell the Council that they need to stick to the agenda so the meetings do not go so long and so the citizens are not waiting for the subject they came for, other than that it was the only community comment
Mayor Business-
- Mayor suggested we change the date and the time of the meetings to the third Wednesday of every month at 7:00 pm, the councilmen agreed on it
- Nick Hart has given the city council all of his information he needed to for his variance, he has shown all the signatures from all surrounding neighbors and the Council agreed on the Variance with four conditions: there is to only be one single family home built on this property; Chris Hart’s property needs to be restored to 100’ frontage; no buildings to be built within the 80’ wide section at front of property; there must be at least 20’ on one side of the home for emergency vehicle access. Nick Hart and the Council agreed to these stipulations. (He did not get a response to his call or letter from Lotwick Reese, either way.) Lisa Eborn will type up these stipulations and get with him to sign for our records.
Sewer– The camera crew was back in town and Shawn has not heard anything from Clyde on what they found yet
Water– There is an issue with a couple homes running water so they won’t freeze up, we need to ask Marilyn if Victor Reese has paid his bill, if not his water needs shut off. Simpsons are running water constantly so they don’t have a sewer problem this also needs to be resolved.
Roads– Joe says Rick Thomas needs to go over the roads one more time before winter, and the culverts have not been fixed yet, Joe says he has not yet got the signs put up but they still need to be.
City Hall/Offices – no issues at this time, Dan mentioned that he would like to get a bulletin board for City purposes to put outside the hall or City Office, and he is still looking for someone to do maintenance.
Follow up items: none at this time
Delinquent Accounts –
Payment of Expenses- did not have the bills to pay, Marilyn was not here tonight so we did not have a chance to look at the bills this month
Motion to dismiss- Joe Dunford, Dan Porter, vote unanimous
Dismissed at 8:28 PM
Next City Council Meeting –December 19th, 2018 at 7:00 pm
- 2023 CCR_Bloomington Water Quality Report
- BCC and BADC Proposed Work Meeting Agenda – September 4, 2024
- Resolution No. 01-2024 to Building Lot and Standards Ordinance Effective June 18, 2024
- Building Lot and Standards Ordinance Effective June 18, 2024
- BCC and BADC Work Meeting Minutes – July 31, 2024