
July 12th, 2018



Called to order at 7:03 pm by Mayor McGhee

Attendees- Ted McGhee, Joe Dunford, Rich Kearl, Shawn Turner, Dan Porter, Marilyn Wilks, Lisa Eborn

Community Attendees- Tamera Marshall & Jim Marshall

Invocation Rich Kearl

Review of Minutes from June 14th 2018

    Shawn Turner, Rich Kearl, vote unanimous

Budget- the budget was discussed, and everything is looking really good, and council was informed it was posted twice in the newspaper,

Rich Kearl, Dan Porter, vote unanimous

Community Comments- Tamera and Jim Marshall came to the meeting with a building permit and drawing for a shelter for their animals, this was accepted by council and mayor signed the permit

Sunrise Engineering- did not need to come till next month

Trevin Peterson- Fire hydrants look really good, was approved by council and passed

Mayor Business- There are a couple of us checking on the State Property and finding out about what is going on, and why it hasn’t been deeded yet. The discussion about the speed bumps was .

We talked about the speed bumps that were going to be put in during last month’s meeting and they were approved by council and voted on this month.

Dan porter, Shawn Turner, vote unanimous

Water- nothing at this time, Troy Carlin needs to initiate the process for water.

Sewer- there is are 24-25 repairs to the system.  They are supposed to be done by next month. They Bear Lake Construction will be here to talk about everything to the council at next month’s meeting. Shawn is going to follow up and check on some of the manholes not having to have holes in them. Shawn will ask the County to spray for weeds on the sewer lagoons and banks.

Roads- Joe has driven around and we need to get some of the potholes filled. He is going to talk to Roy about re-oiling the road; he is also wants to fix the roads where they are narrow so people don’t run off the road. We may have to hire someone to bring in cold mix so we can fix it ourselves. We also talked about talking to the people that came to pave the roads to see if they can come fix them. Rick Thomas has been very busy–Joe talked to him about grading the road and having him fix where it needs to be fixed. Joe mentioned that he got a radar gun to check who is speeding, he also wants to check on getting a sign that says this road is radar controlled. He also talked about getting one of those flashing speed signs that shows the speed limit and the speed you are traveling. Joe thinks there does need to be bumps up closer to the canyon by Johnsons. He also talked about getting information from the cop on what he has been catching and how many he has stopped.  We need to have the sheriff come to one of our meetings to talk to him about this. We also talked about putting in more speed limit signs. Joe will see that the speed bump gets put up by the Johnson‘s house.

City Hall/Offices- discussed where to put the no parking signs, no driving on property. Talked about people abusing the agreement and what we need to do about it when they do. Bethann has the right to tell them they will not be able to rent the property in the future if they abuse the contract. Dan is going to do the flag notices for half-staff. We also need an electrician to look at what keeps blowing fuse in the sprinkler system. Dan he will contact Trevor Neild. Also, the horse shoe pits will be getting worked on– all the supplies have been bought for an eagle scout project for Trent Peterson. Shawn give us a bid for the bathroom in the office–it needs to be handicap accessible.

Follow Up items-

>the development permit/resolution/ordinance was discussed

Delinquent Accounts- Discussed with Allred’s they need to take care of their part of the water repairs on their property. Mrs. Allred  was told by Shawn it needed to be fixed in the next 10 days.  Everything else looks good at this time.

Payment of Expenses –

Motion to accept and pay the expenses as presented.

Shawn Turner, Dan Porter, Vote Unanimous

Motion to Dismiss: Rich Kearl, Shawn Turner, Vote Unanimous

Dismissed at 9:32 p.m.

Next City Council Meeting –August 9th 2018, 7:00 pm