
May 10th, 2018



Called to order at 7:01 pm by Mayor McGhee

Attendees– Ted McGhee, Dan Porter, Marilyn Wilks, Lisa Eborn, Joe Dunford

Community Attendees- Roy Bunderson, Brenda Taylor, Wayne Lloyd, Clyde Rainey, Patrick Johnson, BethAnn Passey, Tim Passey and Makenzie Passey

Invocation Joe Dunford

Review of Minutes from April 12th, 2018 

     Can’t accept do not have a quorum

Community Comments: None

Sunrise Engineering:    : waiting on asphalt, on water project: extended to the first of June, on sewer: received the final document sent in for review and a form will be filled out to agree once received, Rural development will review and give the go forward, Mayor was given the cost of the service connection and it has the breakdown of what all of it costs

Doug Taylor: is wanting to know if they can hook on to the water that is on their property to the North of their house where they are wanting to build a house. Will need to put new service on property for new house, at their office they want to annex in a new line to get rid of well

Wayne Lloyd: wants input from council, he talked about the issues of right of way, they are wanting to extend the fence and put gate at the bottom. Finish road for traffic, and they are wanting to improve the south side of the road. They are wanting us to donate the cement barriers to the cemetery, and he proposed we hire an extra hand for maintaince for the city

BethAnn Passey:   see attached copy

Mayor Business- Surplus of State Property is still pending

Sewer- nothing at this time

Water- Norma is not going to pay for the back pay

Roads- nothing at this time

City Hall/Offices –Dan and BethAnn are working on what needs to be repaired and replaced they will present to the council if there is anything that needs to be but as for now they will take care of most of it. See attached paper

Follow up items– tabled

Delinquent Accounts – Discussed the accounts action has been taken for those delinquent and they are looking good at this time

Payment of Expenses– Motion to accept and pay the expenses as presented

Joe Dunford, Dan Porter, vote unanimous

Motion to Dismiss:   Joe Dunford, Dan Porter, Vote Unanimous

Dismissed at 9:29 p.m.

Next City Council MeetingJune 14th 2018, 7:00 pm