
June 14th, 2018



Called to order at 7:18 pm by Mayor McGhee

Attendees: Ted McGhee, Joe Dunford, Dan Porter, Shawn Turner, Marilyn Wilkes and Lisa Eborn

Community Attendees: Clyde Rainey, Doug Taylor, Katie Payne

 Invocation Shawn Turner

Review of Minutes from May 10th, 2018

             Shawn Turner, Dan Porter, vote unanimous

Review of minutes from April

              Joe Dunford, Dan Porter, vote unanimous

Community comments: Katie Payne come in to get a building permit, council approved it, and she filled it out and handed in her money

Sunrise Engineering – Clyde talked about the progress on sewer project, the manholes have been uncovered, most of the videoing has been completed, and they will review the video to identify all repairs. Contractors found several leaks see attached paper for repairs, Doug said they would start on manholes the first of the week

Doug Taylor- wants to annex half his property into the city, he was given the application for       annexing

Darlene Payne- didn’t show up, she was wanting to talk about the speed bumps put up

Mayor Business- police officer needs to be notified and hired for the summer and needs to be told he needs to write more tickets, the approval and signing of the waste water project was finished. We discussed the budget and if there needed to be any changes and there is no need for changes at this time.

Water– nothing at this time

Sewer– everything is looking good

Roads- nothing at this time

City Hall/Offices – nothing at this time

Follow up items

            >Development Permit/Resolution/Dissolution of old Resolutions/Ordinances

>Identify Costs and needs throughout the town that is needed and bring ideas to next meeting

>Approval of Scout Project

Delinquent Accounts – Discussed the delinquent accounts. They are looking good at this time.

Payment of Expenses-

            Dan Porter, Joe D, Vote Unanimous

Motion to dismiss- Joe Dunford, Shawn Turner, Vote Unanimous

Dismissed at 9:15 p.m.

Next City Council Meeting – July 12th, 2018 at 7:00 pm