December 18, 2019

45 North 3rd West. Bloomington, ID 83223


Called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Ted McGhee

Attendees: Mayor Ted McGhee, Christine Cooper, Marilyn Wilkes, Rich Kearl, Shawn Turner, Dan Porter

Community Attendees: Roy Bunderson

 Invocation: Marilyn Wilkes

Review/Approval of Minutes from November 20, 2019

            Shawn Turner, Dan Porter, Vote Unanimous

Community comments:

  • Roy Bunderson questioned if we could try posting City items on the bulletin board at the Post Office.

Mayor Business:

  • Mayor Ted McGhee introduced Christine Cooper as the new City Clerk.


  • A generator for the sewer pump station would probably run approximately $15,000 to $20,000. This is the only weak link in our city infrastructure at this time if there is a power outage.  Do we need to look into purchasing one? Shawn Turner will look into this.


  • Status of sign placement on Findlay Spring fence. This will be tabled until the snow melts.
  • Status on running waterline on 50 East – additional bids (Shawn Turner). Is Troy Carlin still interested since he has his property for sale?  We will send the Sunrise Engineering bill to Troy for payment of half the charges.
    • Contractor from Grace is still interested in running the line and all that is required. Martin Bills is not interested at this time because of a full schedule.  Rich Kearl called Troy Peterson a couple of months ago but hasn’t heard back.  He will follow up with Troy and with Bear Lake Construction for a bid.


  • Status of lowering meters and cement surrounds for meter covers on corner by Hall (Shawn Turner). Will try to get parts when he goes out of town this month.
  • Clear snow from driveway approaches by Sewer lagoons and the road to the water tank.
  • We purchased a snow plow truck. It was paid out of General Fund, Sewer Fund and Water Fund in equal amounts.  Marilyn Wilkes and Christine Cooper will go to the County office to get all the licensing done.
  • Marilyn will have extra keys made for the snow plow truck. Currently only Doran Smith has a key, with one extra.
  • The Cinder spreader on the snow plow is not currently working and will require a plastic disk that throws the cinder.  The broken one is in the back of the dump truck.

City Offices/Hall:

  • Remodel of City office.
    • This has been started. Tim did find a snag with old wiring.  Will follow up with Shawn Turner on what needs to be done.  Will continue demolition that doesn’t interfere with wiring.

Follow up:

  • Mayor Ted McGhee met with Paris regarding the water line connection. We need to write up the procedure on what needs to happen if there is a need to connect the water between cities.  Shawn Turner will look to see if he has the key to the lock.  There is not one currently in the key box.  When the key is located, we will make copies so a key can be put in the key box.
  • Improve parking area by water tanks?
    • The mayor would like to fill in the corner on the west edge of the parking area to square it up. We need to be careful not to interfere with the overflow from the tanks which runs along that area.  Shawn Turner has spoken with quite a few residents who don’t want to expand the parking lot.  We will smooth out the fill that has already been dumped but not bring in any more loads.  We need signage for no unauthorized dumping on City property.  Rich Kearl will arrange for signage.
  • Grant money for GIS/mapping program? Shawn Turner will keep looking for a class that will cover this and the next item also.  May be in the springtime.
  • Did IRWA have any GIS/mapping programs or equipment (Shawn Turner)?
  • Status of cutting and removal of tree stumps (from wind-downed trees). This has been done.
  • Adam McKenzie sent a letter to the property owners regarding the fence on City property by the spring. The fencing and gate will be removed in the springtime.
  • Rick Thomas removed eight loads of debris from the beaver dams.
  • Santas and candy—Shawn Turner’s children will play “Santa.” Candy has been purchased.

Delinquent Accounts: Accounts are in good shape.

Payment of Expenses:  November 2019

Rich Kearl, Shawn Turner, Vote unanimous

Motion to dismiss:

Dan Porter, Rich Kearl, Vote unanimous

Dismissed at 8:20 p.m.

Next City Council Meeting: January 15, 2020 at 7:00 p.m.