January 16th, 2019 7:00 PM


Called to order at 7:02 pm by Mayor McGhee


Attendees: Mayor Ted McGhee, Marilyn Wilkes, Joe Dunford, Rich Kearl, Shawn Turner, Lisa Eborn, Dan Porter


Community Attendees: Eric Bunderson


 Invocation: Shawn Turner


Review of Minutes from December 19th, 2018

          Shawn Turner, Rich Kearl ,Vote Unanimous


Community comments: none at this time


Mayor Business:

  • Mayor discussed optional taxes it is for retail, the state is wondering if we want to vote it in for strictly retail and the Mayor told them it really doesn’t seem practical at this time.



  • Nada Jean Thomas’s house Bear Lake Construction was contacted and the box that is needed has been ordered and there is no leak at her house.
  • The camera work has all been done
  • The leak by Phillip Wards was not a leak, it was plugged up by dirt and gravel and vacuumed out it is taken care of
  • Shawn was going to go check and see if the wire has been hooked up on the property line between us and Hulmes.



  • The water leak across from Tueller’s and broken shut off valve on hydrant is not a serious thing and will need to be fixed in the Spring.
  • Shawn talked to Doran to plow the road to the water tank and got stuck, Shawn will check to see if he can get the snow cat up there to clean it out. Maybe even talk to someone with the road and bridge.



  • Joe has not ordered the speed limit signs yet, they will not be able to be put up until Spring, he does have the posts.
  • Surplus property has changed their way of buying property, Joe is wanting to buy a different snow plow for the city, they will not be selling anything until after winter, Joe is checking on it and watching for them to go on sale.


City Hall/Offices:

  • The City Web page was discussed and that it needed updating, Lisa has an appointment to get that done within the next day or two.
  • Dan also discussed purchasing some bulletin boards for the Hall and the City office, Dan gave the price sheet and explained what he was wanting to purchase for this and the council members approved it for them to be ordered.
  • Dan talked about new tables for the hall and working with Paris and there employees on building some for us while they build theirs.
  • There will be a group of ladies using the hall for yoga every Wednesday that it will be available


Follow up items:


Delinquent Accounts:

Accounts are in good shape. Some are late but have been contacted and some have made         arrangements to get it paid.


Payment of Expenses:

  • December 2018

Shawn Turner, Dan Porter, Vote unanimous


Motion to dismiss:

Rich Kearl, Joe Dunford, vote unanimous


Dismissed at 8:30 PM


Next City Council Meeting – February 20th, 2019 at 7:00 pm