Meeting Minutes June 19, 2019
MINUTES for June 19, 2019
45 North 3rd West. Bloomington, ID 83223
Called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Ted McGhee
Attendees: Mayor Ted McGhee, Marilyn Wilkes, Joe Dunford, Shawn Turner, Dan Porter
Community Attendees: Troy Carlin and Trish Carlin
Invocation: Shawn Turner
Review/Approval of Minutes from May 15, 2019
Joe Dunford, Dan Porter, Vote Unanimous
Community Comments:
- Roy Bunderson: Called to say he would not make it to the meeting.
- Troy Carlin wants to get water into his shop. What needs to be done. He was told that other persons that built where there wasn’t water to property were required to have engineering done and pay the cost for the line to be run to his property. It was also mentioned that he was told this at the time he submitted his development permit. It was discussed that the City might cost share so we can take the connection to the corner. The system flows better if not a dead-end line. Troy was upset because he had not been given phone numbers of engineers he could contact. We need to have the costs prior to starting project if we are sharing costs. Shawn Turner will call Eric Dressler tomorrow to get an estimate on engineering. Then figure the cost for Troy’s connection and then also to the next corner. Shawn Turner will call Troy tomorrow.
- Motion to connect the line into the water system and share costs, by Joe Dunford
Motion withdrawn
Mayor Business:
- Budget: Increase the Administration budget to $40,000; Road budget to $30,000.00. Shawn Turner will check with Colton Ward to see if he might subcontract the ADA bathroom/expand the meeting room in the City office building (from Capital Improvements).
- Election for Sewer and Water Councilmen up this year.
- Lisa Eborn resigned. It was suggested to check with Cindy Hansen or Trudy Hemmert. Marilyn Wilkes will post a notice on the new bulletin board at the City Office and Post Office.
- Mayor Ted McGhee proposed that Marilyn Wilkes pay rate is increased to $17.50 per hour
Motion to increase wage to $17.50
Dan Porter, Shawn Turner, Vote Unanimous
- Joe will call Bear Lake Construction on completing outstanding items on the Wastewater project.
- Tank diver on June 22nd to satisfy our 7-year tank inspection. They will do whatever repairs are required. They will provide a CD of inside of tank.
- Shawn Turner has contacted Nate Ward and others for the repair on the property across from Tueller property. Whomever can do the work first will be hired.
- On June 26th, after the tank inspection, there will be additional chlorine in the City water for a short time.
- Water cover was put on at Nada Jean Thomas’ home. There is water in the hole. There was no water prior to the wastewater repairs made. Shawn Turner will check the readings in the hole when the chlorine reading will be higher. If this doesn’t prove out, he will follow up with Doug Taylor on this issue.
- Joe has a bid for the roads from Statewide Paving. They will be repairing asphalt by Hall. Shawn Turner said he and Rich Kearl will be fixing the two connections that are in the asphalt by the Hall on Friday. Shawn Turner suggested putting in a curb between the sidewalk and the asphalt. This suggestion was tabled at this time because of cost and time constraints.
- The proposed timeframe for the work was next week. Dan Porter said that wouldn’t work for the Hall repairs because the Hall is rented from June 25-29. The next week is clear. Joe Dunford will contact Statewide Paving to see if they can accommodate that change.
- Statewide Paving will also put a seal coat all the way up Canyon St. And some resurface on 50 East. This year cost is expected to run approximately $32,000.00. Joe Dunford will call to see if he can get an additional bid from another contractor.
Motion to spend up to $32,000.00 on Roads. Joe Dunford and Dan Porter will work together with them.
Shawn Turner, Dan Porter, Vote Unanimous
City Hall/Offices:
- Next priority would be the remodel in the City Office.
- East door on the Hall has issues. Tim Passey has ordered parts and will repair when they arrive. Door not to be opened until repaired. Hall renters have been instructed of this issue.
Follow up items:
- Shawn Turner mentioned that there is an older mobile home parked in the parking lot by the water tanks. Someone has also put a bridge across the creek and is doing some development work in that land. No one was sure whether this is within City limits or if there may be a development permit issued by the County. Joe Dunford will follow up on this with Dale Thornock.
Delinquent Accounts:
- Look good at this time
Payment of Expenses: Joe Dunford asked about the Thomas billing to do the fencing between the Hulme property and the Sewer pond. He thought Roy Bunderson was going to do it for free. Mayor Ted McGhee tried to contact Roy at least six times but was unable to get it done in a timely manner.
- Shawn Turner recused himself from his portion of expenses.
Shawn Turner, Joe Dunford, Vote Unanimous
Motion to dismiss:
Shawn Turner, Dan Porter, Vote unanimous
Dismissed at 9:20 p.m.
Next City Council Meeting: July 17, 2019 at 7:00 p.m.
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