Meeting Minutes October 24, 2019
Minutes and Agendas
MINUTES October 24, 2019
45 North 3rd West. Bloomington, ID 83223
Called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Ted McGhee
Attendees: Mayor Ted McGhee, Marilyn Wilkes, Rich Kearl, Shawn Turner, Dan Porter
Community Attendees: None
Invocation: Dan Porter
Review/Approval of Minutes from September 18, 2019
Rich Kearl, Dan Porter, Vote Unanimous
Community comments:
Mayor Business:
- Christine Cooper, candidate for City Clerk. We will offer her the position at $14.00 per hour.
- We have a beaver problem. Mayor asked Rick Thomas to open the beaver dam by the road to the cemetery. Rick opened it twice and the beavers quickly rebuilt the dam. Mayor Ted McGhee also spoke with Wesley Payne to trap the beavers.
- Mayor also asked Wesley to check the lagoons for muskrats.
- Rick Thomas also put several loads of gravel along the cemetery road.
- Status of smoothing/reseeding on Verdena Bunderson’s yard. Shawn Turner will look at her yard. Shawn will talk with her. We may have to wait until spring. The project may be turned over to Tim Passey.
- Status of seeding of areas dug up for Wastewater project. This has been completed.
- Status of sign placement on Findlay Spring – Signs are done, waiting to be picked up and installed on fence.
- Status on running waterline on 50 East—Sunrise Engineering gave us a set of plans. Shawn Turner will contact Martin Bills and possibly Miles Nash to bid on the job.
- Status of repair on water leak across from Tueller property (Miles Nash)–Done
- Status of Don Robb’s water issue? (Miles Nash)–Done
- Property line dispute at water tank – fence is 15 feet on City property (per survey). It appears owner is assisting beavers in creating dams across the river/creek, which needs to be corrected. He needs to move or remove fence. Gate needs to be removed. May need to get Bloomington Irrigation Co. involved because of blocking the water source for irrigation.
- Status of lowering meters and cement surrounds for meter covers on corner by Hall (Shawn Turner/Miles Nash) – Miles is getting parts for the meters and will work on the cement surrounds.
- Status of repairs to oil roads by Bortek/Direct Communications – nothing at this time.
- Status/timing of road repair on two construction sites in City (Shawn Turner/Martin Bills) — This will be tabled to next month.
- Status of new snow plow—This will be tabled until next month.
City Offices/Hall:
- Status on City Office remodel (Dan Porter/Colton Ward)—Dan Porter will follow-up with Colton Ward and possibly Tim Passey.
- The two large trash receptacles will be pulled because people are dumping items like carpeting and other large items instead of taking them to the dump. It is the time of year the large trash receptacles are removed anyway.
Follow up:
- Discuss Bear River Heritage Area (BRHA): Are we supporting? If so, need a letter or resolution of support. Marilyn will call Laurie Rich to see what it is they are looking for.
- Grant money for GIS/mapping program? Not covered at this meeting
- Did IRWA have any GIS/mapping programs or equipment (Shawn Turner)? Will follow up, possibly in the spring they will have more conferences.
- Encroachment ordinance/Performance Bond regarding digging anywhere in City, both for organizations and residents—Shawn Turner thinks it would be worth looking into this to deal with issues like DCDI/Bortek or if another entity such as a natural gas company came in to run lines.
- Become member of 811 dig line? — Not at this time.
- Cutting and removal of tree stumps (from wind-downed trees) – Still on the calendar for Rick Thomas.
Delinquent Accounts:
- Looking good
Payment of Expenses:
- September 2019
Dan Porter, Shawn Turner, Vote unanimous
Motion to dismiss:
Shawn Turner, Rich Kearl, Vote unanimous
Dismissed at 8:47 p.m.
- Next City Council Meeting: November 20, 2019 at 7:00 p.m.
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