Meeting Minutes February 20, 2019
Minutes and Agendas
February 20th, 2019 7:00 PM
Called to order at 7:02 pm by Mayor McGhee
Attendees: Mayor Ted McGhee, Marilyn Wilkes, Joe Dunford, Rich Kearl, Shawn Turner, Lisa Eborn, Dan Porter
Community Attendees: Eric Bunderson
Invocation: Marilyn Wilkes
Review of Minutes from December 19th, 2018
Dan Porter, Rich Kearl ,Vote Unanimous
Community comments: none at this time
Mayor Business:
- Mayor Ted mentioned a fee for nightly rentals it would cost $10 a year.
- Mayor Ted also talked about Conestoga Wagon company needing a signed paper saying that it has been inspected and cleared for occupancy.
- Shawn was going to check and see if the wire on the property line between us and Hulmes has been hooked up.
- There is the two leaks still and Rich talked to Rick Thomas, also Shawn talked to Martin Bills to help fix them while he has his equipment in town.
- It was mentioned that the tank is due for a inspection fairly soon and Shawn is going to look into it and see when it is due for sure.
- We are still waiting for the leak/manhole cover by Nada Jeans to be fixed by Doug Taylor, he has until June to fix it.
- Sunrise is going to give us all of our CD’s and information with the projects combined this Spring.
- Joe mentioned needing a new plow truck, and also getting a bid from someone to keep it cleaned by the Hall, the office and also the ambulance garage.
- Shawn mentioned having Winston help us with a grant for a new truck.
City Hall/Offices:
- Dan has held off on the bulletin board due to there is no place to store it. He talked about taking it through the ambulance garage to the back.
- The website needed to be changed to no charge for residents up to three hours for the Hall
- Under the events on the website we need to put in the Memorial Day celebration
- Dan also wants a flyer sent out for Custodial position to all residents of Bloomington
Follow up items:
- Shawn said that the HVAC has been taken care of
Delinquent Accounts:
- Accounts are in good shape
Payment of Expenses:
- January 2019
Rich Kearl, Shawn Turner, Vote unanimous
Motion to dismiss:
Joe Dunford, Dan Porter, vote unanimous
Dismissed at 8:02 PM
Next City Council Meeting – March 20th, 2019 at 7:00 pm
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