Meeting Minutes July 17, 2019
MINUTES — July 17, 2019
45 North 3rd West. Bloomington, ID 83223
Called to order at 7:07 p.m. by Mayor Ted McGhee
Attendees: Mayor Ted McGhee, Marilyn Wilkes, Joe Dunford, Rich Kearl, Shawn Turner, Dan Porter
Community Attendees: None
Invocation: Rich Kearl
Review/Approval of Minutes from June 19, 2019
Shawn Turner, Dan Porter, Vote Unanimous
Community comments: None
Budget Discussion/Approval: We have done well with what we have. Everything looks good. Approved Budget will be posted in newspaper.
Motion to accept City of Bloomington Proposed Budget 2020 as presented.
Rich Kearl, Dan Porter, Vote Unanimous
Mayor Business:
- Nothing at this time
- Outstanding items on Wastewater project: Clyde Ramey (Sunrise Engineering), Joe Dunford, and Mayor Ted McGhee met. They wrote quite a few items down that need to be fixed. They also looked at Nada Jean Thomas’s meter. Shawn Turner said there was no chlorine in the water when the chlorine reading was higher because of the tank cleaning. We may need to require them to camera that section to verify where water is coming from, unless that was part of the cameraing done after the project. We also need additional gravel in front of Tom Smith’s house. Seeding will be done in the Fall.
- It is felt that we don’t want to pay Sunrise’s final bill until the project is completed. Mayor Ted McGhee will call and talk to Sunrise.
- Tanks were inspected and we received the CD’s of the inspection dive. Metal tank had ¼” of sediment and the bigger tank just had a small amount. They vacuumed them out and they were both clean. A little bit of rust is in the steel tank, but nothing to worry about now. When they come back in 3-5 years they will take care of it. Overall, it looks good.
- We got the bid from Forsgren Associates on engineering for the water line by Troy Carlin’s shop. It looks like approximately $4750.00 plus time and material to complete. Shawn Turner thought we might be able to shave a little off the bid amount. Mayor Ted McGhee will ask Sunrise Engineering to bid it also.
- Water leak on property across from Chris Tueller is still pending. Having difficulty finding a contractor.
- Don Robb’s meter box is broken. His plumber broke the valve last year. There is an issue because there is no shut-off valve before his meter, so it will be difficult to repair as the water cannot be turned off. Don should put a shut-off valve on his part of the line in order to shut-off water to his home and drain the line.
- Looks like the drainage on the asphalt around the Hall is now draining properly. Shawn Turner and Rich Kearl will get the cement around the meter covers. Not all the pot holes will be filled throughout the City this time. One of the issues is that there is not enough asphalt currently on the roads (it is too thin). Statewide patched a few holes, prepped with high-powered blowing machine. They applied a seal master commercial grade seal coat to 90,000 sq. ft. coated Canyon Road. If they come back next year, at no charge to the City, they will clean and prep 50 East and 4th North with a high-powered blowing machine; apply a tack oil asphalt glue; install new asphalt to 4,700 sq. ft.; compact asphalt with heavy-duty steam roller.
- New snow plow. Joe will check with the government surplus auction to see what might be available.
City Hall/Offices:
- The East door on the Hall is fixed.
- Colton Ward is too busy at this time to look at remodeling the City Office, including ADA bathroom and combining the front room and front bedroom into one meeting room. Will continue to look for someone to complete this work and get a bid.
Follow up items:
- Still not sure what is happening, if anything, on the City property by the tanks. The parking lot and across the stream is the City’s property. Joe Dunford couldn’t see any action happening.
- The padlock to the stream was changed or it seized up. We can’t access the property. Mayor Ted McGhee will contact Brad Findlay to see if they replaced the lock. This needs a 2-lock system so both the Findlay family and the City can access this property.
- Troy Carlin’s property: Mayor Ted McGhee called our attorney to discuss this issue. Troy has run the line from his building to the road, but wasn’t in a hurry to put water to the shop. Currently, no water is run from the end of the waterline at 300 North and 50 East to his property. The $1250.00 he paid is just for the right to hook up to water. Mayor Ted McGhee read Mr. Mackenzie (attorney) the ordinance. Just because property was purchased, it doesn’t guarantee that we will run water to the property. We told Troy at the beginning of the process when he filled out his development permit that he was responsible to get engineering done and run the line to his property. (See above item relating to Forsgren Associates under “Water).)
- We need to think/discuss further whether the City will share in the cost of this project. The City would only pay the portion to run the water line from Troy’s property to the corner of 200 North. Also, if we pay part, there will be a hook-up fee to cost-share the line costs with any future property owners.
Delinquent Accounts:
- Accounts are still looking better than in the past. Very few past due accounts.
Payment of Expenses:
- June 2019
Joe Dunford, Rich Kearl, Vote unanimous
Motion to dismiss:
Joe Dunford, Shawn Turner, Vote unanimous
Dismissed at 8:50 p.m.
Next City Council Meeting: August 21, 2019 at 7:00 p.m.
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