Meeting Minutes May 15, 2019
Hall Rental
May 15, 2019
Called to order at 7:03 pm by Mayor Ted McGhee
Attendees- Ted McGhee, Joe Dunford, Rich Kearl, Dan Porter, Marilyn Wilkes
Community Attendee- Spencer Clements
Invocation – Dan Porter
Review/Approval of Minutes from April 17, 2019
Dan Porter, Rich Kearl, Vote unanimous
Community Comments:
- Spencer Clements—Wanted clarification of what the City wants from him. We discussed speeds. We want tickets written for 5 miles over the speed limit on City streets. We are putting up additional speed limit signs and some that say “children at play” and/or ”speed kills.” We will try to have them up by Memorial Day. We will also have speed bumps coming out of the canyon. His start date is Memorial Day weekend, starting on May 24th. 20 hours a month minimum, up to 30 hours a month.
- It was proposed to raise his hourly rate to $16.00 per hour for his time in Bloomington.
Proposed by Rich Kearl, seconded by Dan Porter, Vote Unanimous
Mayor Business:
- Development permit application (Ann Jensen–paid). 30 x 60 building is proposed. Approved by Council.
- On road into the gate at the Spring, there is a beaver problem with downing trees and undermining road. The Findlay family said they would be happy if the City or someone from the City would take the wood they cut down along the road. Rich Kearl suggested to name the spring the Findlay Spring and post a sign. Everyone concurred.
- Sewer levels look better than they have in a long time.
- Doug Taylor is aware of the work that still needs to be done on the Wastewater project.
- Shawn has scheduled the 3-year tank inspection.
- Need two valve covers fixed in the Hall parking lot and repair the level of the asphalt (or surround with cement) – still pending
- Line across from Tueller’s is still being worked on.
- Roger Reese’s water was turned off because of a leak on a hydrant right by his home. He was notified. It is his responsibility to fix leak. No charge to turn the water back on.
- Snow plow—Joe will get ahold of the State to see what they have available.
- Statewide Paving should still be coming to look at roads.
- Culverts by Lois Peterson; Roy Dunford/Jim Marshall; and by Wilsons need to be fixed.
- Road up to Cemetery hill needs to be crowned. (City responsibility)
City Hall/Offices:
- Low spot in the asphalt in front of the south door of Hall. Some of the asphalt has been pulled away where vehicles pull out.
- We will have two large dumpsters by the Hall this year.
- Need to do something with the flower beds. Also need to do some painting on the City office building.
- Dan told Joe to check with Tim Passey on digging post holes for speed limit signage.
- Mower blades need to be replaced. Also Tim will purchase spray for weeds. He will also get a string trimmer.
- Memorial Day program is set up.
- We need some top soil.
- Will look for someplace else for the slice of the spruce tree currently at the Hall.
Follow Up items:
- Budget will be approved at our July meeting. We will discuss any changes at the June meeting.
- It was approved for Rich Kearl to start spraying for mosquitos.
Delinquent Accounts: They are looking very good.
Payment of Expenses:
- Motion to accept and pay the expenses as presented.
Dan Porter, Rich Kearl, Vote Unanimous
Motion to Dismiss: Joe Dunford, Dan Porter, Vote Unanimous
Dismissed at 8:35p p.m.
Next City Council Meeting: June 19, 2019 at 7:00 pm
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