Special Meeting Minutes May 05, 2021
Minutes and Agendas
45 N 1st West
May 5, 2021 Time 7:02 pm
Invocation: Bob Searle
Attendees: Ted McGhee, Mike Knapp, Dan Porter, Bob Searle, Phillip Ward, Marilyn Wilkes, Christine Cooper
Community Attendees: Roy Bunderson, Reed Findlay, Tom Findlay, Robert Ward, Blake Hart, Kathy & Richard Nelsen, Doug Barneck, Sherman Grandy
- Roy Bunderson to discuss the road on 1st West to the South
Discuss what Roy’s concerns are:
- Roy would like to get the right-of-way opened at this point in time.
- Roy retained an attorney and an engineer to ensure he was doing everything properly and one thing that came out is that there are no road standards in Bloomington.
- Roy’s intent was to make road as good as any other road in Bloomington.
- A previous project with the road (when they got the grant-2008), Roy and Rick Thomas fully anticipated the road would cost $10,000 to build at that time.
- With the advent of IDWR, DEQ, Army of Corp of Engineer, and EPA, the engineer said we can’t build for $60,000. Roy said that he cannot afford to build a $60,000 road right now. At this point in time, he has no desire and just would like the right-of-way opened. He proposed grading a good trail down there. Roy has no desire to go further than the North property line.
- Dan Porter has been researching how to establish road standards in Bloomington. He would like the City to adopt the County plan on road standards (August 2020). Our intent is not just 1st West, but there are others that would like to build roads in the City. This could help the City to establish some guidelines.
- Mike Knapp, and others agreed, to create our own road standards—possibly work with Rick Thomas.
- Roy just would like to redefine (at this meeting) his request and the fact that the opening of the platted right of way on 1st West to the South has been approved to the point of intersection with the Findlay property and Bunderson property realizing there is a platted roadway that extends beyond this point.
- Mike Knapp made the motion to open the right-of-way to where the hub is now surveyed.
- Parties agree with the survey that has been done on the West and the East. Bob Searle seconded the motion, Vote Unanimous (recluse – Philip Ward)
- Roy is retracting any commitments at this time with anything to do with the road until we know how we are going to proceed (the road is no longer an issue, Roy is not considering putting in the road. If someone does in the future, they will have to start from scratch).
- Motion made by Dan Porter to extend deadline to May 10, 2021, on removing the fences from City property by the property owners (Findlay and Nelsen). They have agreed to this timeframe. The survey was not an issue with the parties.
- Motion Dan Porter, Mike Knapp, Vote Unanimous
- Dan will follow up if there will be any liability issues due to the road
Motion to dismiss: 8:34 pm
Motion to accept: Mike Knapp, Bob Searle, Vote Unanimous
Next City Council Meeting: May 19, 2021
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