
February 8th, 2018



Called to order at 7:25 pm by Mayor McGhee


Attendees: Mayor Ted McGhee, Rich Kearl, Dan Porter, Shawn Turner, Joe Dunford, Marilyn Wilkes and Lisa Eborn


Community Attendees:  Mark Peterson, Eddie Payne, Chance Kearl, Trevon Peterson, Trent Peterson, Richard DeMarcus, Jonas Strong, Dawson Payne,


Invocation Dan Porter


Review of Minutes from January 10th, 2018

Rich Kearl, Joe Dunford



Payment of Expenses –

Motion to accept and pay the expenses as presented.


Sunrise Engineering – not in attendance

Community Comments: 

Follow Up Items –

Mayoral Business – 2016-2017 audit was given/ presented to the city councilmen

Water – no leak on cemetery hill – the water was not shut off tight

Sewer –

City Hall/Offices – Dan needs a key to the city office

Roads – Joe will be riding around with Roy to discuss issues and everything that needs done

Delinquent Accounts –

Motion to dismiss:

Dismissed at _____p.m.

Next City Council Meeting